On June 6th 2019, Intensions Consulting was excited to present at the first APG Canada event in Vancouver. Titled “Finding the Unexpected”, the event was organized by the Account Planning Group, and was designed to help strategic planning professionals understand market research methodologies and processes.
Intensions at Digital Design Talks
On March 2nd, 2016, Intensions Consulting was proud to participate in Digital Design Talks. Organized by the Vancouver Film School, the topic of the talk was Understanding Marketing Psychology and was designed to help students understand, "the hidden psychological motivations that exist beneath the surface of everyday social trends and human behavior."
Intensions Study in Mountain View Gazette
On February 16, 2016, the Mountain View Gazette published an article titled, 'Ranching industry urged to stress positives.' Written by Dan Singleton, the article discussed findings from our recent studies exploring the thoughts and behaviour of domestic and global beef consumers.
Intensions at Olds College Conference
On February 4th 2016, Intensions Consulting was proud to present at the Ranching Opportunities Conference in Alberta. Organized by Olds College, the event was designed to help producers and students, "discover new ways to manage their livestock, explore options for marketing their product, and learn about the challenges and achievements of successful ranchers."