Men's Sleep Study

Intensions Study on News 1130

Intensions Study on News 1130

On July 27, 2016, News 1130 published an article titled, 'Lack of sleep poses serious long-term health impacts for men.' Written by Mike Lloyd and Martin MacMahon, the article quoted our recent Intensions Consulting study on Men's Sleep Behavour.

Intensions Study on Global & CTV

Intensions Study on Global & CTV

On July 25, 2016, Global News and CTV News aired television segments that discussed the findings from our recent Men's Sleep study. Both the the Global News segment titled, 'Study finds one in three Canadian men are sleep-deprived', and the CTV News segment titled, 'Sleepless in Canada', used our research findings to help raise awareness about Canadian men's sleep patterns.

Intensions Study on the CBC

Intensions Study on the CBC

The CBC recently published and article titled, 'Un tiers des hommes canadiens manquent de sommeil, selon une étude.' The article was based on findings from our study exploring Men’s Sleep Behaviour.