Unbiased Computer Program

Intensions Study on The Web

Intensions Study on The Web

Over the past month, our recent Intensions Consulting study on the Future of Work has appeared on a number of online news, trade magazine and media platforms, including: Reddit, HRM Canada, HRM Asia, and Human Resources Online. Below are summaries and links to these articles and discussions.

Intensions Study in Vancouver Sun

Intensions Study in Vancouver Sun

On March 29, 2016, the Vancouver Sun and Ottawa Citizen published an article titled, ‘Would you rather answer to a computer than your boss?' Written by Randy Shore, the article discussed findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on the Future of Work across Canada.

Intensions Study in Betakit

Intensions Study in Betakit

On March 30, 2016, Betakit published an article titled, 'Report: Canadians trust computers more than humans and value flexibility in the future workplace.' Written by Jessica Galang, the article discussed findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on the Future of Work across Canada.

Intensions Study in Splinter News

Intensions Study in Splinter News

On March 29, 2016, Splinter News published an article titled, 'Report: A quarter of Canadians think a computer program would be more ethical and trustworthy than their fleshy bosses'. Written by Ethan Chiel, the article discussed findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on the Future of Work across Canada.